Thursday, September 24, 2009

Today is not what I made it to be but what I know it to be . . . I'm here not for my own self but because I Know my Lord will be here and my only wish is that those that feel like they are lost will find their way to what I feel and know in my soul is to be the only cure.

I was listening to Tye Tribett "Chasing After you" when I say that this song is just a beautiful example of how we as Christians need that longing to chase after GOD . . . Seek His face. . .Soul is crying out for more of Him more Of Him . . . O My God that rights there alone is where my heart just feels his sprit wraps around me . . . Since I've started my blog..It's like the enemy doesn't want me to tell my story and help someone else . . .

Pray, Pray, Calling for Prayer . . . My passion is to help those that don't know their own worth. I feel so strongly about this thing right here. I was there and if I want to be honest sometimes I get lost in that wave path too. I pray that the Lord above will just cover me/us and keep me/us strong in his word but that takes staying in the word and keeping your focus on Him 24/7!!!! You ask how can that be accomplishing . . . Glad you ask let me tell you . . . Start surrounding yourself with like-minded people and begin to learn who God is for you . . . Stay away from those that don't or won't respect where you are trying to move with you life . . . What I've learned is that you can't let anyone stop you form where you're trying to go with GOD . . .

Sometimes I'd dream of what life would have been like if I wasn't following others footsteps how far would I be in Christ or would I even be in Christ at all. Well to be honest my life had to travel this way because if it didn't I would not have had an understanding of whom God is in my life . . . Waking up next to people I didn't know just to get that self satisfaction, not Knowing that anybody could love me like God . . . Thinking that my body was less then beautiful because I didn't look like most of the females on TV . . . Just not having that love for me . . . So I belittled myself by allowing others to belittle me too . . . Used and abused my own body . . . Because I was unaware that I was a JEWEL for His Holiness . . . OH God I mistreated myself because I couldn't see what God Saw when he created me . . . So my plea is that we learn our self worth that goes for men and women . . . For us women how can we meet our Adam when we still are carrying around Craig, Steve and Jamal in our bodies . . . for the men how can you meet your Eve if you're still holding on to Stacy, Tia, and Kim . . . Where does life go if you can't deliver them out of your spirit. Just think about it . . . Don't give up your power . . .

Look to Him, Give to Him, Love on Him, Pray to Him, Believe in Him, Only Him;Too Late to Turn Back Now!!!!

I pray Lord I'm doing your will and only your will
Take me out of it and speak through me so that I may help bring your people back home.

*Love and Kisses Tiff*

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