Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Life After


Now as I live a life that is not mines but myself desires to have the control over it...sit back and realizes that I am not myself...I am not my own...I am not my leader. So much to do but so little time.....evaluating my decisions that affect not only me but those around me... A bird once told me that my relationship requires the same amount of work that my hair, make-up and school requires. I believe that I would fly by and Aces this course but what I am realizing is that I can't Ace anything I'm not studying.

If feels like I've been gone for so long that I have so much to tell you. First, when I feel a certain way I made it a habit to write it down so that I may think on what it is the Lord is trying to show me or tell me. Second even if I don't have a pen and pad handle I made it my business to write myself a text. Finally, here are some of my random thoughts...I know your probably like where am I going with this but keep reading you'll get it. Okay Here it goes:

*Okay so I've notice a few changes in myself that I can't help but to be shaken by it....my life has gone form bad to worst in less then a year....no direction or faith that i might over come this trap.....
Okay wow...at this point I'm on this spell about really being set free of all things that i bound myself with and things that I tend to add on to myself...What is special about having a relationship that is open and free to just be is that you don't have to hold back...but if you are a person that is reserved and calm it takes while before you actually say what is on you heart so that you can being to overcome the traps...

*I'm tired of being locked in the same place and not moving forward. How do you move forward when you are use to the things of the world? I received a confirmation from a good friend of mines that told me that I hold the power and with me out of order I cannot effectively make change in the Kingdom....to denounce your flesh is to turn away from all things connected to it....time to walk into my victory instead of walking around it....

So I really have a lot to say but another time, another day..... to be continue

*Hugs and Kisses*

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