Thursday, November 12, 2009

Side Comment

When you feel that things aren't going your way sometime we need to really get out of ourselves and focus in on others..... Things will begin to change.

Lord My God I asked that you forgive me for anything that was not of you and that you grant me the peace to really give to others what you have given to me.. That your love that you have shown me I may show someone else......Lord look pass my faults and see your sons blood that covers me every day. I pray for peace for anyone that reads my bog and that everything that they are going through is met. Amen..... Love ya!!! Tiff...

Another Walk

Well last time I didn’t finish my last post for time just ran away from me… but today my post will be finish and ready for everyone……LOL!!
*Stay pushing, stay moving...until you received a well Done from the Man who counts*
Title: Unknown

Birth: awaken in my soul to know that you alone are waiting on me to mold and form another human being….Carry on what is your Will….
Open: I open my heart not only to you and all those around me so that I could feel what I thought I was longing for so many years…not realizing that you alone had already opened up to me.
Touch: your hand that swipes across my faces as the day to day life over takes my moment to relax in your presence.
Heart: the beat of one the beat of another.... expecting you to save me from the beat of myself……grasping for you to save me from the last beat of it all….. ME!!
Foundation: Me, me is who I look at to know if this foundation is cracked or if this foundation is broken all together…reading on you…. leaning on…. remembering on how you were my foundation before I left you alone.
Grasping: to be overlooked, to be over shadowed by the multitude of things that have dragged me further and further away from your Call, grace, presence…
Holding: to hold on to every last thing that I have for you…..To come and rescue me from what the world say is living and I say is dying…. my flesh is dying before my eyes what am I to do… what am I to say….but let my action show you….I crawl to your feet and not only will I not let go until you take me back into the birth place but I will not move as I wash your feet with every tear, problem, stress that fits because what I have realize is that I no longer what to Birth into this world another one of…………you finish the rest…

What I am realizing everyday about who I am is that I don’t like the person I have became over the years….because I conform to what others thought I should be or what they even excepted me to be I in return lost who I know I could be……Don’t let the world conform you…don’t let the treasures of other entice you to leave the person GOD wants you to be……

“He alone has the last say……so their only one person to check in with!”

*Hugs and Kisses*

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Life After


Now as I live a life that is not mines but myself desires to have the control over it...sit back and realizes that I am not myself...I am not my own...I am not my leader. So much to do but so little time.....evaluating my decisions that affect not only me but those around me... A bird once told me that my relationship requires the same amount of work that my hair, make-up and school requires. I believe that I would fly by and Aces this course but what I am realizing is that I can't Ace anything I'm not studying.

If feels like I've been gone for so long that I have so much to tell you. First, when I feel a certain way I made it a habit to write it down so that I may think on what it is the Lord is trying to show me or tell me. Second even if I don't have a pen and pad handle I made it my business to write myself a text. Finally, here are some of my random thoughts...I know your probably like where am I going with this but keep reading you'll get it. Okay Here it goes:

*Okay so I've notice a few changes in myself that I can't help but to be shaken by life has gone form bad to worst in less then a direction or faith that i might over come this trap.....
Okay this point I'm on this spell about really being set free of all things that i bound myself with and things that I tend to add on to myself...What is special about having a relationship that is open and free to just be is that you don't have to hold back...but if you are a person that is reserved and calm it takes while before you actually say what is on you heart so that you can being to overcome the traps...

*I'm tired of being locked in the same place and not moving forward. How do you move forward when you are use to the things of the world? I received a confirmation from a good friend of mines that told me that I hold the power and with me out of order I cannot effectively make change in the denounce your flesh is to turn away from all things connected to it....time to walk into my victory instead of walking around it....

So I really have a lot to say but another time, another day..... to be continue

*Hugs and Kisses*

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Today is not what I made it to be but what I know it to be . . . I'm here not for my own self but because I Know my Lord will be here and my only wish is that those that feel like they are lost will find their way to what I feel and know in my soul is to be the only cure.

I was listening to Tye Tribett "Chasing After you" when I say that this song is just a beautiful example of how we as Christians need that longing to chase after GOD . . . Seek His face. . .Soul is crying out for more of Him more Of Him . . . O My God that rights there alone is where my heart just feels his sprit wraps around me . . . Since I've started my blog..It's like the enemy doesn't want me to tell my story and help someone else . . .

Pray, Pray, Calling for Prayer . . . My passion is to help those that don't know their own worth. I feel so strongly about this thing right here. I was there and if I want to be honest sometimes I get lost in that wave path too. I pray that the Lord above will just cover me/us and keep me/us strong in his word but that takes staying in the word and keeping your focus on Him 24/7!!!! You ask how can that be accomplishing . . . Glad you ask let me tell you . . . Start surrounding yourself with like-minded people and begin to learn who God is for you . . . Stay away from those that don't or won't respect where you are trying to move with you life . . . What I've learned is that you can't let anyone stop you form where you're trying to go with GOD . . .

Sometimes I'd dream of what life would have been like if I wasn't following others footsteps how far would I be in Christ or would I even be in Christ at all. Well to be honest my life had to travel this way because if it didn't I would not have had an understanding of whom God is in my life . . . Waking up next to people I didn't know just to get that self satisfaction, not Knowing that anybody could love me like God . . . Thinking that my body was less then beautiful because I didn't look like most of the females on TV . . . Just not having that love for me . . . So I belittled myself by allowing others to belittle me too . . . Used and abused my own body . . . Because I was unaware that I was a JEWEL for His Holiness . . . OH God I mistreated myself because I couldn't see what God Saw when he created me . . . So my plea is that we learn our self worth that goes for men and women . . . For us women how can we meet our Adam when we still are carrying around Craig, Steve and Jamal in our bodies . . . for the men how can you meet your Eve if you're still holding on to Stacy, Tia, and Kim . . . Where does life go if you can't deliver them out of your spirit. Just think about it . . . Don't give up your power . . .

Look to Him, Give to Him, Love on Him, Pray to Him, Believe in Him, Only Him;Too Late to Turn Back Now!!!!

I pray Lord I'm doing your will and only your will
Take me out of it and speak through me so that I may help bring your people back home.

*Love and Kisses Tiff*

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Entering In

Hello Again
My second day and I'm already like WOW!!!!

Well today I woke up feeling like I had to do something special today. It was a good day and it still is....Yesterday Blog was deep for me because I 'm use to just keeping things to myself and to give a little of my story was very astounding. Not saying that I would not share my story but I still like to look like I've been saved since birth but we all know that is a lie. LOL! But really life sometimes makes you feel so many things and sometimes your mind is at the point where it doesn't know what to do....... But man when I tell you that to be at peace in your mind and to start having that feeling of over coming many things is priceless... Feels like I should do one of the commercials for what is priceless and what is not. Sally brought tickets online for a Nickel back's concert for her son= 85.00 The look on her son's face when she gave it to him = Priceless. LOL!!!

Family, Friends, Lover, Partner
I've just realize that Family can sometimes lead you in the direction that may not be where God wants for you.
Along with friends too... But what’s so funny about friends, lovers and those we call partners is that we tend to choose the friends that we most envy or desire to be like. Our inner self wants to be that person that can get all the attention whether good or bad, wants to be the one people fear/hate on whatever it may be. But when you start to desire the things of others that’s when you denounce the very thing that God has giving to you.. As I look in the mirror at myself and really start answering the questions that is being thrown back into my face I start/started to realize that I told God that He made a mistake with me that He didn't pour into me the things that would make me a great person. Then I fond myself trying to make myself into the person that I thought I should be... Wait I know I'm not the only person that has done it....Lets throw some examples out there: Wear fitted clothes because you think that if you wore the items that showed off your figure/butt whatever you would be fly.....LOL instead you probably looked tight...okay one more you would spend your last on what you thought everybody else was either rocking or doing just so that you could fit in with Jones. Well If you haven't someone around you have. But whatever the case maybe you felt that way.
Pressure from the World
While having a conversation with my lovely Grandmother she began to talk to me about when we become save that we are evicted from the world and that we no longer fit into it's make up. Can't remember exactly the scriptures she gave to me but it came out of Exodus and its the part when Moses goes to Him and asked him to let his people go for 3 nights so they could pray to GOD....But what stuck out as we were talking was that part where Moses asked for his people to be release. Why it stuck out to me I don't know......But as she was explaining it to me that’s when God began to really speak to me about that... I chosen to be evicted from this earth and I get myself in more trouble when I try to move back into the same place I don't feel right, its not natural... so when you leave the realm of His holiness you begin to try harder to fit into a place where really everyone around you know you don't belong but you.
Final thought
Being please at where you are in GOD is a big thing that you must be able to just breath when you feel that you are not progressing as fast you think in GOD... Our progress and God's progress is totally different and where we maybe use to fast and the quick action God just wants us and his holiness.... So when you feel that your not moving fast enough step back and ask God to grant you patience and when He feels that you have waited enough his grace shall fall upon you.

Wait on Him, love on Him, look towards Him, be with Him... Not saying it's easy but what do u really have to lose if you do.

Love and Kisses Tiff

Monday, September 21, 2009

Killing of the Flesh

Well I can't believe I really did it...Started a blog.... A blog not only to write away the pain that comes with killing your flesh put to help those that may be going through the same issues as myself.

A little about me: I'm 23 years old and I'm a single mother, I've been saved since I was about 13 years old but been in church forever it seems like....I love God but its hard to turn away from our comfort zone.....God is my life he has brought me out of so much in my life that if it was not for me I would not be here in the mind set that I'm in now. Sounds so scripted but so true........Had my son at 16 thinking that it would bring me closer with his dad when all it did was pushed us further apart....Loving someone so much because you never knew what it felt like to be love by your own parents....Raised my grandparents because my parents loved drugs and the streets more then they love my brother and I.. So from the time I could remember I was looking for that Acceptance factor....Well let me tell you that's the hardest thing you can ever do because i adapted to whatever the situation was so that they would not think i was weird. I wanted some one to validate that I was beautiful and they needed me but what I got was a lot of sex partners and their spirits connected to me. Living with my on worries then i added other worries on to me....the person that i was or i thought i was...was gone i couldn't find her because it was buried with other on me.....So my head kept talking and i could understand what was what anymore so i started drinking and smoked so that i couldn't hear them anymore and When that started I had more partners....Sidebar I don't know who they were anymore remember their faces but that's it names couldn't tell you.....LOST and DARK was all i could see.....feeling that I was a failure as a mother and a child of GOD....GOD was clean and I'm dirty was all I could think of he doesn't like Dirt....So I couldn't come to him in my my my as I smh.....If that isn't the biggest misconception of GOD........God is the cleaner and his son Jesus washes us clean when he died on Calvary....Why can't us Christians get that but instead we tend to try to fix it and we add more scares on top of the ones that were already their instead of letting GOD heal us...I honestly believe that we make God's work harder because of our own self will that He gave to us...that dag on self will!!LOL

Needles to say its a working process because my spirit is still fighting with flesh and the flesh is a stubborn doesn't like not to be in control.

So I say this before I check out a Prayer:

Dear God, my father, my friend,my lover, my everything I come to you not for my own needs but for those that feel as if they are to dirty or unclean to come to you and asked that you can have mercy on them and that you can stop them in whatever they may be doing and speak to their heart Lord
Asked that you can provide them with what they are looking for and that you can fill them up with your love so that they may know who You are and love on you and so that they may be used for Your work O Lord....Your kindness and mercy shall never go unnoticed and for that I know that its all ready done in Your name....I bless you for who you are and for what you have shown me in my life and through my eyes.....I thank you for never giving up on me My Lord and for never letting me Go.....Thank you for all the positive people you placed in my life to help me through this thing I like to call Life......this world is no longer fit for me but with you in my corner you make it easier to walk in and Live in..,.,,.,I hope that i can bring someone to you before I leave this earth that my life can be an example of how your son lived on this earth Lord.....Fix anything and everything around me that is not saying and Screaming I love the LORD......My father...My heart cries out for Peace in the land....those that don't have it Lord I asked that you blow your breath on the land so that those that forgot may believe again and remember your promise for them in their life..... so many thanks that i would like to say but just not enough time but I must say that with out my pastor and rev Nikki, and Michelle who adopted me when my Grandmother passed I would not be here and I asked that you cover them and give them more then what they already asked you for.......Love you so much in Jesus' name AMEN!!!!!